We have a large database of 37000 high qualified specialists, whose education and training are confirmed by international certificates; we are able to perform a careful selection of experts for the vessels of your company.
All our candidates have all the necessary certificates and licenses in accordance with International Marine Qualification Regulations and Conventions.
We offer the full range of specialists for the different vessel’s types, including:
Bulk carriers, Container, Gas-carriers, Dry cargo vessels, Ferries, Tankers, RO-RO, Tugs, LNG, Heavy-Lift, and others

Our team consists of highly educated professionals in the field of recruitment of qualified seafarers for vessels of international shipowners.
Our team includes marine inspectors, a certified psychologist, a marine lawyer, as well as specialists from medical center working according to European standards.
Candidates check
We conduct a preliminary interview with each candidate, check the legitimacy of his documents, each candidate takes a special test of knowledge of spoken English by a qualified inspector from England.
Licences and certificates
We have all the necessary quality certificates and have proven our competence over 21 years of successful work in the maritime crewing business.
Universal Service company has been audited on voluntary basis and that it complies with the requirement of Regulation 1.4,Standard A 1.4 of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 . Our company has received a Certificate of Compliance issued by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
Ukrainians work well with all nationalities. They have a high degree of technical skill and are internationally respected for their attention to safety issues.
We guarantee a professional selection, timely and quality work.
Our HR Dept. organize interview with candidates for you in any time, you are taking the final decision.
It is company policy to recruit crew who are experienced, certified as necessary and medically fit, appropriate to the operation of each ship.